I just want to say “Thank You” to each party that helped to make using this chair available to so many people in need. We used it for our week long vacation this summer. We started by using it in Lakewood for a stroll through the paths of Cathedral Woods.

It was nice to be able to make this easier on my husband. We hadn’t been here in 15-20 years. We then proceeded the next day’s adventure of going to 10 of the falls in Marinette Park system. I was able to get to areas that would not have been easy to do with my own chair.

Going down & up these stair with some assistance from my husband was a highlight of going to the falls. This was the first time we journeyed to some of these places because of accessibility.

It was a huge blessing to have the track chair at Long Slide Park because it had a 220 yard steep path to go to the bottom & see the falls.

There were a few bridges that were just big enough to go across. We spoke with a park person and informed him of the width needing to be made a little wider for the track chair.

As you can see this was quite an incline to go up. We would never have attempted this in my chair, as my husband would have been done for the day if we had. We then ventured into the UP to see a large amount of stops. We started with a few falls along the way & than many of the sights in Picture Rocks state park.

Being able to get out on the beach & go for a stroll with my husband was a true joy, especially sense we had not being able to get out in sandy area for so many years.

Being able to look down at the shoreline as we went along the cliffs was really great. Being able to take and go for the two plus mile hike to this off the drive path was much more pleasant for my husband not having to push me. And there we seen the light house & rocky shorelines of Lake Superior.

Again, I just want to say it is a beautiful blessing to have been able to borrow this track chair. The donation & sponsorship of this gift to the disabled is greatly appreciated. As I wrote this I was in tears. Thank you all so much for making life a pure joy by being able to use this track chair for our vacation.